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Maintaining good oral health throughout the course of your life encompasses several key factors. It starts with a consistent oral hygiene routine consisting of brushing your teeth each morning and night as well as making a conscious effort to thoroughly floss at least once each day.

It’s also important to have a routine dental checkup performed by a dentist like Dr. Andrew Smith every six months.

Each dental checkup at Wasatch Gentle Dental starts with a dental hygienist professionally cleaning your teeth. Our special tools and training allow us to meticulously remove all traces of plaque and hardened tartar from your teeth. Once this is done they will polish the faces of your teeth to remove minor dental stains.

Dr. Andrew Smith will then examine your mouth to detect any developing signs of cavities or gum disease. Then he will perform a screening to detect any early signs of oral or pharyngeal cancer.  

If he has concerns about the mineral strength of your tooth enamel he might recommend administering a fluoride treatment. If he notices deep textures in the tooth enamel on the biting surfaces of your molars and premolars, he might also recommend applying dental sealants to prevent trapped bacterial deposits from developing into an active area of tooth decay.

If you live in the Murray, Utah, area and you are due for your next dental checkup, you should call 801-262-6661 to schedule an appointment at Wasatch Gentle Dental.